[carousel width=”200″ height=”148″ lightbox=”true” source=”{p:orientation}”  title=”..a journey of discovery & learning“] [/carousel]



[process_steps type=”horizontal” size=”small”] [process_step title=”Back pack” icon=”suitcase” icon_color=”#7a7474″] [/process_step] [process_step title=”2 x change of clothes” icon=”child” icon_color=”#29751e”] weather appropriate [/process_step] [process_step title=”Spare socks & underwear” icon=”tint” icon_color=”#d8c759″] accidents can happen [/process_step] [/process_steps]

[process_steps type=”horizontal” size=”small”] [process_step title=”Dummy or comforter” icon=”gift” icon_color=”#cc9090″] [/process_step] [process_step title=”Water bottle” icon=”lightbulb-o” icon_color=”#d4cece”] [/process_step] [process_step title=”2 sheets & a blanket ” icon=”bug” icon_color=”#ffbdbd”] if required, in a sheet bag [/process_step] [/process_steps]

We suggest that children wear comfortable clean clothes that provide free movement for playing and that can easily be removed, especially when toilet training. Please ensure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.Shoes should protect children’s feet and be easy for them to remove and put on for practising their self help skills.


[button size=”large” align=”center” link=”/quick-enquiry-form/” linkTarget=”_blank” width=”316″ icon=”envelope-o” icon_color=”#ffffff”]Send us an enquiry[/button]
