A Journey of Learning and Discovery

As a family, with young children of our own, we recognise the careful considerations that go into selecting your child’s centre and the importance of ensuring your child feels safe and nurtured in this environment.

We aim to provide the highest level of education and quality care, which is what- as parents- we want for our own children-environments that are nurturing and warm and help shape identity. Our educators provide children with opportunities that encourage them to be flexible thinkers and confident learners, achieving this through providing your child with an environment that supports and inspires inquiry.

Starting in the nursery room where teachers nurture each individual budding personality all the way through to our preschool program where children are being prepared to begin kindergarten. Nothing matters more to us than the health, well-being and education of every child that enters our doors.

So from our family to yours, we welcome you to our centre.

Our Class Rooms

Tumbling Teddies

0-2 years

Nursery Room

Nursery room

Dancing Dolphins

2-3 years

Toddler Room

Jumping Joeys

3-4 years

Preschool Room

Jumping Jacks

4-5 years

Preschool Room

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